I always have room in my recipe book for new and creative ways to make vegetables. I found this recipe and amended it to make it my own.

It one took a couple of tries, but it was worth it! My family sampled them all and we agreed that this is a winner!

It is so simple to make (no, really it is!), that it can be incorporated into any week night dinner menu. It looks and tastes as smooth as mashed potatoes, but without the carbs and calories. 

The only thing that took some time was softening the cauliflower. It should be soft enough that you can easily pierce it with a fork. The great thing about this is that you do not have to worry about overcooking the cauliflower! This is the one time I will not remind you to take the vegetable out when it is bright and colorful. Don’t even worry about it; this cauliflower dish will be perfect every time.

Just remember not to overcook the onions. They have to be white and translucent to get that “mashed potato” look!

It’s easy, I promise!

This recipe will serve 4 people, who will have a delicious new way of enjoying cauliflower in place of mashed potatoes.

Ingredients for the Cauliflower Mash

1 medium cauliflower
3 tbsp. butter or margarine 
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 tbsp. parsley, chopped

Melt butter and olive oil in a medium size skillet.

Add onions and cook until they are transparent, about 3-4 minutes. Do not let them brown.

`RT15\cauliflower mash onions cooking

Toss in garlic and cook for about 1 minute. Set pan aside.

Using a medium-sized pot, fill with water and let it come to a boil.  When water is boiling, add cauliflower and let it cook until softened about 8-10 minutes.

cailiflower mash cauliflower in water

Drain cauliflower in a colander and place in a food processor along with onion and garlic mixture.

Add salt and pepper.

cauliflower mash in food processor

Process on high until cauliflower is well blended and smooth.

Place on serving dish and top with chopped parsley.

It’s that simple!

