In the past, a salad was not widely regarded as a main dish. Leafy greens were more commonly associated with bland, healthy eating and salads were served before a delicious meal. One thing has stood the test of time though, women still seem to eat salad more frequently than men. Whether or not they are trying to maintain their weight, it seems some women just enjoy lighter meals.

Many men, including my husband, seem to prefer a meat and potato-type meal. When it comes down to it, everybody has their different eating habits, regardless of your gender! There were times when women have eaten healthily and men have taken on more than they could handle, simply because it’s what they thought was expected of them. Luckily, times have changed men and women can eat salads without stigma surrounding their healthy choice. As we have adapted, so have salads! We have become more creative and now they can include meat, chicken, grains, and beans. All these proteins fill you up and make you feel like you are eating a full meal. 

This salad is usually made up of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper and an onion, but you can add anything into it that you would like. That is the true beauty of it! If you add the right ingredients, it can become the main course for everyone. It is as beautiful as it is delicious.

There is a ton of freedom when it comes to the ingredients, but whatever you do, do not overdress it. There are so many ready Ade slides in the grocery stores these days, but they are so often over dressed, soggy and unappetizing. I strongly suggest that you make your own and dress it lightly. 

This recipe is loosely adapted from Tori Avey, who has authored so many wonderful recipes. It will serve 8 people who will think you traveled around the world to prepare it!

Ingredients for Rainbow Israeli Salad

1/2 small red cabbage, shredded in small pieces
3 small ripe tomatoes, diced
1 whole yellow bell pepper, diced small with skin on
4 oz. small white button mushrooms, sliced
3/4 cup Kalamata olives
3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. vinegar
1/4 tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste

Combine all vegetables in a large mixing bowl and mix well.

In a small mixing bowl, combine lemon juice, olive oil, and salt.

Pour over vegetables and mix well.


It’s that simple!

My crazy beautiful leaf garden!

