Food is now so important to us, it has become inspirational. Our connection to food has grown stronger as we’ve come to hold value in how it influences our health. Dinner is not just a meal, it is an important place for families to gather, talk, laugh, and share stories.

This phenomenon has been occurring for years and it evolves with us. Food is now more enriching, nourishing, and more pleasant to all of our senses. You can be just as passionate about a beautiful dish placed in front of you at a fancy restaurant, as you can from a dish that has been in your family for years. It makes no difference if it is served on priceless china or your grandmother’s old dishes. Our relationship with food has become invaluable  and more pleasurable. Food has surpassed a means of survival, it has become an experience.

The meaning of food is not the only thing evolving, our palates have become more sophisticated. Who had ever heard of kale ten or fifteen years ago? Today, you see recipes for it often. Some of us, even now, knowing all the health benefits, have a hard time incorporating it into our food repertoire. If you can relate, I am sure this recipe will be a game changer for you. Diana Henry’s recipes are always unique and incredibly creative. She is able to put ingredients together that other cooks would never think of. Her recipes are simple and so delicious.

We have something in common, Diana and I. We collect cookbooks! I’ve read that she has about 4,000. I too, have quite the collection of cookbooks.

(Yes, they are all cookbooks!)

This kale pesto is a rustic, simple pesto sauce made with kale, butter, anchovies, garlic, and Parmesan. It comes together quickly and would be wonderful with any kind of pasta.

This recipe is courtesy of Diana Henry, A Change of Appetite. It does not say exactly how many it will serve, but I would guess about 4-6 people who are sure to become kale lovers.

Ingredients for Kale Pesto with Whole Wheat Linguine

1 pound whole-wheat linguini
sea salt
12 o. Kale (about 4 cups leaves once you have removed the stems
2 tbsp. butter
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil (grassy instead of fruity)
1/4 cup flat-leaf parsley
2 good quality anchovies, drained of oil
2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
1/2-3/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
really good pinch of dried red pepper flakes (optional)

Put the linguine into a large saucepan of boiled slightly salted water and boil according to the package directions until it is cooked al dente.

At the same time, make the pesto.

Wash the kale well and strip the fibrous leaves from their stems.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil, plunge the leaves in, and cook for five minutes.

Drain well.

Put the cooked kale into a food processor with the butter, extra-virgin olive oil, parsley, anchovies, garlic, and 1/2 cup of the cheese.

Add the red pepper flakes (if using).

Process, using the pulse-blend button.

The author suggests that you don’t process it until it is completed pureed, and leave some large flecks in it.

Taste, adding the rest of the cheese if you want.

Drain the linguine, then return it to the pot with a little of it’s cooking water. Mix in the pesto and serve immediately.

It’s that simple!

