I am trying so hard to find recipes for you that have simple basic ingredients and are easy to make. It is challenging, but I think I am succeeding.

How many times has time skipped?  Maybe you’ve been on autopilot, getting your coffee in the morning, and next thing you know, it’s time to cook dinner.  For many of us these days, this is a very common occurrence– all we have is time. Though the pandemic is truly destructive, I think we have learned to appreciate our time more because of it.

The days are long and there’s nowhere to go, but I find that the weeks are slipping by. I think hunkering down as we now have to do has made us more mindful of so many things. For me, a lot of things have changed. Even just my occasional Starbucks run is off limits,and though the long lines waiting for the drive through used to make me upset and impatient, I feel like I would have more patience these days. Usually I am rushing through my day, trying to do as much as I can, but at this moment in time, I am in no rush to do anything.  What a treat it is to enjoy The Great Pause. 

My husband is hasn’t been going into the office as much, and I relish the time I have with him. We usually just see each other in the evenings and that time goes by quickly. Now we sit together, work out together, and talk more. He is calm, more relaxed and it is nice to see him like that.

And as I’ve mentioned, I also use my time to cook. I am baking more, and my family is so appreciative of that. This is one dessert they loved and now I get to share it with you. It is simple enough to make, but packed with delicious flavor. The cream and eggs make it moist and fluffy. The almonds give it a nice crunch and texture, and the lemon adds a nice tang. This tart is one your whole family will enjoy.

This recipe is courtesy of Mark Bittman and will serve 4 people who will slow down to enjoy this tasty treat.

Ingredients for Pan-Baked Lemon Almond Tart:

4 eggs
½ to ¾ cup sugar (according to personal taste)
Pinch of salt
½ cup ground almonds
½ cup cream
½ cup sliced almonds, more for garnish
1 lemon, zest and juice
2 tablespoons butter
Powdered sugar, for garnish

Heat oven to 400 degrees.

In a bowl, combine eggs, sugar, salt, ground almonds, cream, sliced almonds, lemon zest and juice.

Melt butter in an 8-inch ovenproof skillet over low heat; when foam has subsided, add almond mixture to pan, tilting pan to distribute batter evenly.

Continue to cook tart on stovetop until edges just begin to set, then put pan in oven and finish cooking, about 10 to 15 minutes more.

When tart is done, put it in the broiler for about a minute, or until just golden on top. Set your timer for this, it browns very quickly and last thing you want is for it to burn!

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and sliced almonds.


It’s that simple!


